Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Katholik Orientation Day.

Today is Katholik's Orientation day.
I woke up in 7.30a.m
i long time didn't woke up so early already.

I got a bit miss standard 6's life......
It was fun when we finished our UPSR.
Nowadays, we've been separated,
some of us went to other school
and some of us went to the same school or even same class...

Okay, stop saying the past.
Say back today's things...

Katholik is a school that place importance of disiplin.
School Rules (for girls) Examples.

- the rubber band for girls to tie their hair must be thinner than 1cm.
-school uniform must longer than our knee.
- Hair must be tidy and the fringe of hair cannot be bevel.
and certainly there are still many others rules......

Orientation day was past,
SO, that means i'm gonna say bye bye to my sweet holidays.
and say hello to my new school,
my secondary school......
---------KATHOLIK ----------

New school, new life, new memories,
New friends, new teachers, new school uniform,
and the all things was new...

Happy new year is comming,

Have a nice day,
  And also wish,
     Happy New Year~!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

After Singapore Trip

The Singapore Trip had passed about 19 days.
This was the last trip with my 6K friends
I love that trip.
It was fun!

I like the Universal Studio the most.
But, don't know till when just can go there again...
Maybe still have long time.

The trip gave me too many sweet memories...
Till now still cant forget.
But,there was still had some memories were unhappy...

However,I'll remember it forever...
It was in holiday now...
One world to describe this holiday

JongHyun 钟炫(SHINee)

Friday, October 22, 2010

This picture seems so lonely......
But I just like it~


Long time din't  come and visit my blog already......
The 恳亲晚会 was coming,really  excited.  
 Wish our performance can be perfect... and smooth going...
Tomorrow  Gee  members are going  to Sunway Pyramid buy our costume......

Teacher Wei also said our class (6K) will held a 班级义卖会...
So many program for us to do.
Me. Yappie. Yan Xi . Lok Yee were a group, named 春夏秋冬.
Wish this 义卖会 also will be smooth going...

and here, i wish my UPSR result will be great too...
Wish all the things in my life, will be great n fantastic......

Friday, September 24, 2010


  UPSR finally finish~
  now all the standard six were free...

   so happy...
 But now I am so scared because of th result.
 I scared I can't get 7 A.

 But I've done my best in the exam,
 so no need to be too worry about that.

 Yea...... I think so,
 But I wish to get 7A 

Friday, August 27, 2010


 Feel sorry to my friend......

 Because cannot go 2 her birthday party...
 Cannot go to her party need 2 be sorry?

 Ya... cause not many people go (at Sunway),
 but being a friend,
 i need 2 go...

 I can't ...
 because my mum don't let me go.

 that is because the BM result very bad...
 because myself...

Just want to say sorry,

YAN XI                                                          

Thursday, August 19, 2010









Tuesday, June 29, 2010






Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This holiday.......

I dunno how 2 say.
A bit boring but not very boring.......
Feel  unusual.....
 I think is bcoz this year v are having UPSR exam gua....

But at last,
I still wish all of u
have a good holiday!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

a LIER!!!!!

I couldn't believe there is a people like this.
A lier!!!!!
You are a lier!
I am so stupid by friending with this kind of people.

好吧!全都是我们的错. 可是你没有错吗?
But who is the person that say us say your bad words?
Isn't you?

A lier~
wanna hate you forever but teacher wants us to 宽恕你

I am very disappointed on you!!!!